10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness and Inclusiveness

This short page offers advice on ways to interact with others to promote inclusiveness.

Youth Development Academy

The Youth Development Academy is a course taught by the University of Missouri Extension targeted at youth leaders, educators, community leaders, and coaches.

Turning the Tide on Poverty Community Circles Guide

This discussion guide was produced by the Southern Rural Development Center in partnership with Everyday Democracy, The Kettering Foundation, and the Farm Foundation...

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade: Public Conflict Resolution

This manual, developed at the University of Kentucky, is a train-the-trainers tool that can be used to help Extension educators, community officials, and...

Thriving Communities: Working Together to Move from Poverty to Prosperity for All (Horizons)

This is a five-session discussion guide to help people talk about poverty in their community and take action to create a place where...

Strengthening Your Facilitation Skills

This facilitation training was developed by Extension specialists with Virginia Cooperative Extension to help participants learn how to facilitate discussions that result in...

People Empowering People

The UConn People Empowering People (PEP) program is a personal, family and leadership development program with a strong community focus.

Navigating Difference

Navigating Difference (ND), developed by Washington State University Extension (WSUE), is a cultural competency training based on the WSUE Cultural Competencies and is...

Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI)

Located at Colorado State University, this public-private partnership works with local communities to provide parents/youth/communities with the knowledge, skills and tools for civic...

Engagement Toolbox

The Community Engagement Tool, developed and supported by the Center for Economic and Community Development at Penn State University, provides a brief and...